Ecology and Intervention in Case of Flood Association
Ecology and Intervention in Case of Flood Association

Bolii Cave

It is located on the road that connects Valea Jiului with Hațeg, in the meeting place of the Retezat Mountains and those of Sebeș.

The name of the cave probably comes from the Bolia family who had land and forest properties in the area since the 15th century.

The cave begins where the Jupâneasa Stream is lost in the Jurassic limestones through a spectacular portal of 20 m at the base and 10 m high.

The main gallery of the cave is generally large, in some places widening into real spacious halls.

Drainage formations appear in the high places and on the ceiling of the gallery.

On a length of 466 m, the gallery descends only 3 m.

At the exit of the cave, the stream is called Galbina.

It is a cave that has a permanent stream of water.

Two very rare bat species have been identified.

In the 1960s, the cave was equipped with bridges to cross the stream, but they were destroyed over time.

The cave was abandoned until recently when the local speleologists from the PETRO-AQUA

Association started rehabilitation.

Decks have been installed that make it easy to walk the entire underground void without danger.

Visiting schedule:

Visiting price: adults 10 lei, pensioners and students 5 lei, students 2.50 lei

Since the interwar period, musical concerts have been organized in the biggest hall of the cave.